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Sony VP-7020


Sony VP-7020

This Sony VP-7020 is a high-quality U-Matic video player that is perfect for all your video production and editing needs. It is designed to play 3/4″ U-Matic videocassettes, ensuring that you get the best possible playback quality every time.

Original price was: $1,599.00.Current price is: $1,279.20.


Type VII U-Matic videocassette player with picture search (5xFWD/REV), noiseless still picture, LED real time counter and external sync input. Optional Frame Code and RS-232C capability with BKU-701.Optional 33-pin parallel remote control with BKU-702. 4 Rack Units High.Simple wired or wireless remote control capability using optional RM-770 remote control. High Quality Picture:
The VP-7020 obtains high picture quality by making the most of
the U-Matic format. When KSP videocassettes that have been
recorded by SP (Superior Performance) U-Matic, such as the
VO-9600, are used, the VP- 7020 can provide high quality picture


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